I spent the afternoon at the Mariposa County Fair with my friends Ron and Ruby and their two little girls. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a small fair like this one and it turned out to be a lot of fun! It wasn’t crowded, was really clean, and had plenty of rides geared toward small children. And since my main fair requirements are a ferris wheel, a corn dog, and a caramel apple, I was totally satisfied with the experience.
Mariposa is nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and as you can see from the top of the ferris wheel, the fairgrounds are in a beautiful area. The ferris wheel and the bumper cars were the only rides that called to me this year, but it was fun watching the girls on some of the kiddie rides.
We also ran into Smokey the Bear and a couple of his forest ranger friends. After promising not to play with matches, Emma got a sticker and a high five from Smokey.
Next, Emma, Abby, and Ron tried their best to win a goldfish. Fortunately, it didn’t happen.
The girls also got to watch a demonstration of how to pan for gold in front of the California State Mining and Mineral Museum, which is located at the fairgrounds.
After we had our fill of rides, games, and exhibits, we headed over to check out the food!
Funnel cakes are always tempting…
The garlic fries smelled good…
The lemonade was way overpriced, but delicious!
In addition to smoked turkey legs and pulled pork sandwiches, this place was advertising deep-fried hamburgers. Huh??
We found everything from Indian tacos to egg rolls on a stick, but In the end all I really wanted was a corn dog with lots of mustard. And a caramel apple, of course!
Are you going to a fair this year? What’s your favorite fair food?
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