Looks like Wilbur noticed it. Did you?
Pinch My Salt has a brand new design! It will take a little time to iron out all the kinks but for the most part, the new site should now be up and running. If you are using Internet Explorer, you still might notice an error or two. This will be resolved shortly! But as always, this site is best viewed using the award-winning Firefox web browser.
A big thanks goes out to Ben, my very talented and very patient designer!
The above photo is of Wilbur, my sister’s 38 pound Bull Mastiff puppy. We spent this last weekend together at his home in San Diego where he had fun waking me every morning by jumping on my head. My sister and brother-in-law thought it was rather amusing. You can see more Wilbur photos here. I’ll be back with more food soon!
Chris says
Michelle at Scribbit says
Brian says
nika says
Nicole says
Oi-Ming says