Well, it’s not really an obsession. But last time I was home, my Dad had a jar of pickled okra at his house and as we sat out on his front porch eating it, I fell in love with the stuff! I’ve never really eaten much okra but the few times I’ve tried it, either deep-fried or in gumbo, I thought it was okay. It seems that most people either love it or hate it. I just never had strong feelings one way or another. That was until I had it pickled! Ok, I admit that I love just about anything pickled. But there’s just something about pickled okra.
Ok, so the reason I’m writing about this is because I happened to see a jar of pickled okra at our grocery store on the military base the other day. Of course I bought it! I haven’t stopped thinking about it since last fall when I ate it at my Dad’s house. So now I’ve already eaten half the jar. The thing is, this stuff isn’t nearly as good as what I had before. So, I’ve been online this morning searching for jars of pickled okra that can be shipped to an overseas military address. I think I’ve decided on this Hot Pickled Okra. Has anyone tried this brand? Any other suggestions? Anyone else out there love pickled okra?
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