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Pinch My Salt
Food, Recipes, and Photography
Recipe List
The BBA Challenge
BBA Challenge
Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge: Italian Bread
Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge: French Bread
Herbed Focaccia from The Bread Baker’s Apprentice
Homemade English Muffins
Peter Reinhart on Bread
BBA Challenge: Cherry Pecan Celebration Bread
Sweet Skillet Corn Bread with Bacon and Fresh Cut Corn
Cinnamon Raisin Walnut Bread
Cinnamon Rolls or Cinnamon Buns? Delicious Either Way!
Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge: Ciabatta
Learning to Braid Bread Dough: Peter Reinhart’s Challah
Casatiello: No Need to Make a Sandwich
Rich and Buttery Brioche
Peter Reinhart’s Bagels
Artos: Greek Celebration Bread
BBA Challenge: Anadama Bread
The Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge Has Begun!