Here are the instructions, please follow them carefully:
We have created a Google Map for the BBA Challenge so that we can see how we are scattered across the globe. Here are the instructions for adding yourself to the map:
1. Go to the google map (you must be logged into a google account in order to add yourself).
2. Click the 'edit' button located on the left side of the page. Do NOT type anything into the boxes that appear on the left (Title and Description), that is the title of our map and needs to stay the same.
3. Find your location on the map: You can use the little '+' button to zoom in and you can click and drag the map around. Once you have located the area where you live, click the 'blue pin' button located directly above the map. After you have selected the pin, click the spot on the map where you live.
4. A box will pop up and let you add a Title and Description to your pin. You may type your name as the title or an Alias, if you prefer to remain anonymous. And in the description, you can write whatever you want! Here's what I wrote: "Baking from San Diego, CA Follow along at Pinch My Salt" You can easily add a link to your blog by clicking on the 'rich text' option right above the description box. Once you have entered everything you want, click 'ok.' And finally, click the 'done' button on the left side of the page where you first started.
5. If you accidentally drop your pin in the wrong spot, you can move it at any time by clicking on it and dragging it. But be careful that you don't accidentally move someone else's pin! The fun thing about this map is that we can all edit it, but it is also very easy to accidentally edit someone else's info! If that has happened and you can't figure out to fix it, just email me (pinchmysalt AT and I'll get it fixed.