I’m a day late with this post but I just wanted to acknowledge that yesterday, November 11, was Veterans Day.
According to Wikipedia, Veterans Day is set aside to thank veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to United States national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served – not only those who died – have sacrificed and done their duty.
But I’d also like you to remember and honor the military families, both present and past, who have sacrificed so much during times of war. Remember that many families will be separated during this holiday season and that while so many children are wishing for the latest video game system for Christmas, others are just wishing that their mother or father will return home safe.
The above photo was taken when my husband returned from Iraq last spring. We were lucky in that everyone who left together, came home together. But as we have all become painfully aware, this is not always the case. Please take a moment to remember the sacrifices of our military men, women, and children. And if you know a spouse that is dealing with the pressures of deployment, see if you can find a way to help. Some homemade cookies, a dinner invitation, or even just a few kind words can be more help than you would ever imagine.
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