Hey everyone - there's no recipe today because on Wednesdays I just post a photo (that's why I call it Wordless Wednesday). Sometimes the photos are food, sometimes not. If the photo does happen to be food, the reason it's featured on Wordless Wednesday is that I don't have a recipe for it. Sometimes it's from a restaurant, sometimes it's food someone else made, sometimes it's a recipe that photographed well but didn't taste that great (not the case here)! These spring rolls were made by my neighbor and I'm not sure if they are from an actual recipe or if she just puts them together on her own. I'll see if I can get her to write it down for me! If I remember correctly, they were filled with rice noodles, pressed tofu, cucumber, mango, crushed peanuts and cilantro. They were delicious!
They sound awesome Nicole. You have a very nice neighbor! I make spring rolls a lot and never thought to include mangoes... it is mango season here right now, they are dripping from the trees... I think I will make some!
I wish I had your neighbors! those look delicious!
p.s. i know it's wordLESS wednesdays, but if you happen to get your neighbor to write down the recipe, do you think you could share? :)
thanks in advance!
Hi Nicole,
Thank you for the information about the spring rolls. Wow....they look devine, and I hope your neighbor will be able to provide the recipe.
I thought I was losing my mind looking for it...You have great neighbors!
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