Hi, If that is not a sign of spring & summer . . . Mmmmmm Why is not much mentioned on Mushrooms, especially mushroom powder? There are so many uses, especially on and in meat. Did you ever try a mushroom flavored hotdog? Or a mushroom flavored kielbasa sausage? How about a mushroom flavored steak. I have found so many people that love mushrooms, but however---have never even heard of mushroom powder??? Amazing? Porcini and Black Trumpet Mushroom Powder have a wonderful flavor, and surely does enhance meats with an earthly wonderful mouth watering flavor. The powder dissolves into the juices of the meat while it is cooking!!!! Ever try mushroom powder on a sliced cherry tomato---Mmmmmm Try it!! There are so many uses with MUSHROOM POWDER . . . Yours truly, Allen R. Shoemaker
Man, this makes me crave summer. Darn you rain!!! I love all the pictures too:)
Also I have an award waiting for you on my site. You deserve way more than little computer generated boxes, but this will have to do. Keep up all the great posts:)
The vegetables are just gorgeous and there's something about that woman's lovely, expressive face in the first picture that really moves me.
But I am just CRAZY about that mosaic!
Heidi says
Allen R. Shoemaker says
Misty says
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Maris (In Good Taste) says
james says
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Ang says
Karen (Forty Cloves) says
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