Well I have a BUGG: half boston terrier half pug...and she is sooo cute: but now I see where she gets her big beautiful eyes...now tell me does Smack eat everything around the house like Zoey? want to see a pic of her?
I bet Smack would like to meet and play with Coal, our long haired dachshund. He likes to be chased around the house by anyone who will do it with him. He likes to go next door and have a chase game with our neighbor's 7 year old Shih Tzuh. Coal is shortlegged and can go under the landscapping bushes and Zack can't. Then Coal will ambush Zack and the chase is on till one of them gets too tired to keep running.
Does he actually smack? Just wondering...b/c my not-so-little Stella smacks us and other dogs when she's playing and wants attention! :) Her not-so-little paws can be dangerous!
Cute pic!
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