Just a quick heads-up that I will be a guest on a radio show tomorrow morning! The Gourmet Club, a local internet radio food show, will be featuring San Diego food bloggers this week! Tune in on your computer to hear me talking about food, blogging, and the San Diego food scene with a couple of other San Diego bloggers that you probably know: Alice from Alice Q. Foodie and Amanda from What We’re Eating. The show will be hosted by Caron Golden of San Diego Foodstuff and Maureen Clancy of Matters of Taste and is sure to be a lot of fun!
The Gourmet Club airs this Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. til noon (PST), but if you aren’t able to listen live on your computer, the show will also be available as a podcast. For more details about tomorrow’s show, visit San Diego Foodstuff.
And, if you have specific questions you’d like to ask us, leave a comment on Caron’s blog before 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning or call in to the show live at 866.818.6384.
Hope you get a chance to listen!
Fit Bottomed Girls says
Nicole says
Rayrena says
RecipeGirl says
Anali says
Nicole says
kellypea says
Nicole says