So, what does Carrot-Ginger Soup have to do with Valentine’s Day? Absolutely nothing. I had been planning on posting this soup recipe a week ago, along with some Whole Wheat Cheddar Onion Muffins that I have been working on. But, it just didn’t happen. I’m happy that the Naughty Ice Cream Sandwiches were such a hit because it makes me feel a little less guilty about my little two week break!
Actually, I lied, I don’t feel guilty at all. There’s a reason why I’ve been distracted for the last couple of weeks. Today was supposed to be a pretty big day. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day and all that but I’m not really into making a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. It was going to be a big day this year because my husband, who has been serving in Iraq for half a year, was scheduled to come home today. Finally, I thought, an end to the non-stop worry and fear, an end to the loneliness, and, most importantly, an end to the insane amount of stress that he’s been under. Well, you’ve probably already figured it out, but I’ll tell you anyway. The end isn’t here. And, as I found out a couple of weeks ago, the end is no longer in sight. He’s been extended in Iraq and this Valentine’s Day has turned back into an ordinary day, a soup day.
I shouldn’t have used the words ‘ordinary’ and ‘soup’ in the same sentence because this Carrot-Ginger Soup from Veggie Cookbook, while easy to make, was far from ordinary. It’s one of the best new soups I’ve tried in quite some time!
I had a ton of organic carrots in the fridge and two ideas of what to do with them. First, I wanted to create a new whole wheat carrot muffin recipe (I’m still working on that one) and second, I wanted to make some carrot soup. I’ve seen some great carrot soup recipes around lately but when I saw this recipe at my new favorite vegetarian food blog, I knew I had to try it! Although it’s unusual for me to strictly follow a recipe these days, I made this soup exactly as instructed and I’m really glad I gave the original recipe a chance.
What really sold me on this recipe, and made this different from other carrot soup recipes I’ve seen, was the addition of ground coriander, and especially the idea of serving it with fresh lime juice and fresh coriander (cilantro). Serve me anything garnished with lime and cilantro and I’m happy!
So, I highly suggest head over to Veggie Cookbook for the soup recipe and while you’re there, make sure you check out what else she has to offer!
And while we’re on the subject, here are a couple other carrot soup recipes that I would love to try soon:
Dreamy Carrot Soup from Stevi of Bread and Butter
Creamy Ginger Carrot Soup with Lemon Cream from Meeta of What’s for Lunch, Honey?
Check back soon for the new whole wheat muffin recipes, I’ve got some really great ones in the works!
And finally, I’d like to end this on a serious note. Today is a day when people who are in a relationship feel pressured to go overboard to prove their love through showerings of silly, and often ridiculously expensive, heart-shaped gifts while those who aren’t in a relationship feel shunned by a culture that still places so much importance on being part of a couple. Some couples will probably get in fights today because one of them didn’t do enough to prove their affection while some single people are sitting at home crying because today is nothing but one giant reminder that they are missing out on everything in life because they haven’t yet found Mr. or Ms. Right. And what I’m writing isn’t going to change any of it. But, for a minute, can we stop and think about the fact that people all over the world, right now as you’re reading this, are dying. Women are losing their husbands, men are losing their wives, children are losing their parents and perhaps worst of all, parents are losing their children. What is most important is not that you remember to buy big presents for the ones you love. What is important is that they know how you feel every day. Because in this world, you never know which day will be the last. We all have someone to love, whether it’s a parent, child, friend, or lover. Call them today and let them know.
Please, by all means, celebrate love. But remember to do it every day.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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