I am back in Sicily, recovering from the 30-hour trip home, fighting jet lag, and searching for kitchen utensils that have mysteriously found new homes during my absence. And just as I started settling in and feeling at home again, Mount Etna, our friendly neighborhood volcano, decided to give me a welcome home of her own!
This photo was taken about 1/4 mile down the road from our house. Visit my Flickr page to see more!
Update: I just found a great little video clip of the eruption, check it out!
JoeDrinker says
Lydia says
Ruby Berry says
SusanV says
Curt McAdams says
Elizabeth says
Nicole says
Joe: Yes, it was amazing last night!! My husband called me up on his way home and said "go outside right now!" I went out and all of my neighbors were outside staring up at the mountain. We ended up driving down the road a ways with my camera to get away from the streetlights.
Lydia: An amazing welcome home! Etna has erupted like this a couple of times since we've been here but it seems like I'm always out of town when it happens. This is the first time in four years that I've actually seen a lava column like that!
Ruby: Thanks! I took sooooo many photos before I actually captured some of the lightening!
SusanV: Not too scary! Etna is one of those volcanoes that is constantly venting so even though she erupts every once in a while, they aren't huge and explosive. There have definitely been some disasters in the past but generally speaking, we're pretty safe here.
Curt: I definitely feel at home here although I'm trying to get used to the idea of leaving since it's coming up soon!
Elizabeth: You're welcome! I bet they had so much fun up there! It feels like a different world up there once you get past the tree line and all you can see is lava everywhere. Thanks for stopping by!
Jason says
Nicole says
Ruby Berry says
Corinne says
Nicole says
Ruby: I can pretty much always count on some off-the-wall comment from Jason :-) Speaking of Jason, go check out his site, he put up some other Etna photos.
Corinne: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in that comment? You don't have much to complain about considering Yosemite is only a little over an hour away from where you live! And, oh yeah, what was it you said about visiting the cabin last weekend? Rough life, eh? :-)
Coleen B says
Nicole says
Cynthia says
Nicole says
Jason says
Karen says
dustin says
Nicole says