Do you want to bake some bread? How about a lot of bread? How about every single recipe in Peter Reinhart’s outstanding book, The Bread Baker’s Apprentice? Well, I have challenged myself to do just that, and I’m inviting you to join me!
I’ve gathered together 35 200 home bakers who are willing to take this challenge with me. We’re scattered around the world, from all across the United States to Europe, India and Australia. Some of us are novice bakers and some of us have been baking for 30+ years. We’ve teamed up with one goal in mind: bake our way through The Bread Baker’s Apprentice.
Since we are still organizing the group and some members have yet to purchase the book, the goal to complete the first recipe will be two weeks from now, on May 18th.
If you are interested in what we’re doing, you can follow our progress here every Monday, beginning May 18th. I will be posting photos and will keep you up to date with which recipe we will be working on for the following week. I won’t be posting the recipes themselves, so if you want to try baking any of the breads with us, you will need to purchase the book.
Want to Bake Along With Us?
There are several ways for you to join in the fun! First of all, you need a copy of Peter Reinhart’s The Bread Baker’s Apprentice. Read the first section of the book carefully, as this will prepare you for the bread recipes in the second section of the book. Then just jump in and bake some Anadama Bread! Please visit The BBA Challenge Page for more details on how to participate in the group!
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A&N says
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